Press Releases
Laptop Magazine
Accurate transcriptions at an affordable price makes VoiceCloud a solid visual-voicemail service.
VoiceCloud Announces Commercial Availability of Voicemail-to-Text Transcription Services
VoiceCloud Announces Commercial Availability of Voicemail-to-Text Transcription Services and Breakthrough Pricing VoiceCloud's innovative real-time audio and voice transcription solution provides customers with both superior service and the industry's lowest pricing. Announces New Text Voicemail Service as Part of its Virtual Office Phone Service
Boston, MA (PRWEB) October 28, 2008 --, "The New Phone.Company," today announced a new service called Text-Voicemail that allows its Virtual Office customers to receive their voicemail messages transcribed into text and emailed directly to their email account of choice. (Powered by VoiceCloud)
OnPoint Digital Teams with VoiceCloud for Mobile Content Transcription
OnPoint Digital, Inc., a leading eLearning and mobile solutions provider, today announced a partnership with VoiceCloud, Inc., an innovative provider of instant speech-to-text conversions, wherein VoiceCloud will transcribe recorded audio responses to voice-based questionnaires, surveys and blog entries submitted by mobile workers via OnPoint's CellCast Solution platform and mobile widgets.
VoiceCloud offers new voice-to-text service at CTIA Wireless
In connection with CTIA Wireless 2008 in Las Vegas, April 1 - 3, VoiceCloud will be offering our new voice-to-text service free-of-charge for a trial period. Visit us at booth 4427-X in the M-tertainment Pavillion.
VoiceCloud Files for Industry's First and Only Real-Time Voice and Audio Transcription Patents
March 25, 2008 – Las Vegas, NV. VoiceCloud, a new company headquartered in San Diego, CA, today announces the recent filing of multiple patents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the methods and system for real-time transcription of audio and voice messages.